- #Emacs list directory contents how to
- #Emacs list directory contents install
- #Emacs list directory contents code

#Emacs list directory contents install
Need to install dependencies of use-package manually FROM THIS POINT use-package should work as intended, i.e. > :custom (straight-use-package-by-default t)) "mrvdb "))) Move to personal information? Make sure packages do not pull in internal org, we pregister org from straight.el

( setq straight-host-usernames '((github. From this point on we should be able to use `use-package Use-package-verbose 'debug FIXME: use a debug var for all of config? ( setq use-package-always-ensure nil Make sure this is nil, so we do not use package.el configuring packages, just elisp, but I use the use-package macro typically.Īs I want to have version controlled package installation that is easily reproducible, straight.el seem a logical choice, so let’s start by bootstrapping that.getting and installing packages, by default handled by package.el.Package handling basically means two things: Package handling, do this early so emacs knows where to find things. I’d love to have the mu-server in its own process and just use that from other emacs servers Similarly for long running language servers and or other processes which shouldn’t be affected by me clawing words into my keyboard. having multiple emacs servers could help with specific scenario’s for mu4e for example.given that the socket can be a TCP socket, does that mean I can use emacsclient -some-arg on one machine to use emacs on another machine? How well would that work? This would be awesome to have a small computer which doesn’t need an emacs config to use my emacs on another machine, but I suspect I misunderstand how this works.
#Emacs list directory contents how to
Having a server/servers opens a couple of options which I may like, but not sure on how to do or even if I understand them properly Things I see potential for, but not sure of

This document is irregularly published and lives in different locations: available on github published on writefreely Files for configuration Following the history of that may be interesting to some as well. This file was created from many separate elisp files and has not been fully sanitized yet.
#Emacs list directory contents code
The system works as a literal programming system where with a tangle the elisp code that actually makes up my configuration is extracted automatically and loaded. The intent is to have as much of my Emacs configuration in here as possible. This is my emacs configuration file that is loaded with org-babel-load-file in the Emacs init file.